Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cross Roads

Cross Roads
Originally uploaded by brendan61

Here's a fun sign I passed on the road today. What a great statement on the way things are. The "Stop" sign as authority figure commanding a simple traffic rule. The righteous animal advocate hijacking the command and the other side expressing their opinion by telling the "hippie" to "shut up!". Beautiful.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Death Of Self Reliance

You know what is becoming really disturbing to me? People. Yeah, yeah I know, but let me explain. I don't know when it happened exactly or how, but I suspect it all started with Henry Ford and his damned mass produced automobile. Since that time people have been giving up their own power little by little and somehow or other we have become a nation of fat diabetics who are scared of everything. Our children are being turned into little sumo wrestlers who can't walk a mile to school. Gym class? How many kids are opting out because physical exercise hurts their self esteem? Kids have to be driven to soccer practice because everyone is scared their kid will get snatched off the street. No one is allowed to  lose a game so every kid gets a trophy. So what the heck are we teaching them? I'm on this rant because a friend was telling me about trying to get a Safe Roots To School program going in her town. The school wants nothing to do with it. More and more towns are actually prohibiting kids from riding to school! The problem? The streets are unsafe!! Cycling is unsafe!! Walking is unsafe!! For crying out loud, it's the cars that are unsafe! Eating fatty fried food is unsafe. Sitting on your ass for 12 hours a day is unsafe. Burning 600 gallons of gasoline a year is unsafe. Stressing out in traffic while spending an hour making a trip of 10 miles is unsafe.
I think we are now finding ourselves in a crisis over the loss of our own self reliance. People have lost the ability to do things on their own. Ride a bicycle 6 miles to work? Are you out of your mind? There are all sorts of excuses--"I have to dress for business", "I don't want to be all sweaty", "It's dangerous", "It's too cold", "it's to hot", and on and on. The truth is that most people are just plain scared and don't think they can do it. They can't rely on themselves and have given over their freedom to the auto and oil industries. They have come to think that they have no choice but to gas up and spend 26 days of the year trapped in their cars. (average 12 hours a week x 52 weeks= 624 hours, or, 26 days!). Not to mention the percentage of income people are forking over every year to sit by themselves in their own little gas burning coffin.  And now our children will have it worse. I have seen people drive their kids to the end of the driveway to sit in the car and wait for the school bus to then take a ride of less than 2 miles to be dropped off right at the front door. When are these kids going to learn how to take care of themselves? How? We are raising a generation of spoiled little pansies and when they grow up and are confronted with  a national crisis I fear they will not be up to the challenge. These days there are lots of folks who are all up in arms about "family values" but I think our real problem is with personal values. Personal responsibility, self reliance, respect for self and others--These are the pillars upon which society rests. The crumbling of these pillars will mark the end of our freedom. I'm just sayin'.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Freedom Rider

We had our first planning committee meeting for the NJ Bicycle Summit coming up in February 2010. Apparently there is some pent up demand for this as registrations are coming in quickly! It is a lot of work to get something like this put together but I think that the Summit will be a great success. Here is a picture Jim Vance from Hoboken Sweet Streets. He was the only person at the meeting who actually took the train and used his bike to get to the meeting. Cool.
Jim Vance
I am now convinced I can live without my car. The past week has been a challenge with my back problem and my chiropractor recommended that I lay of the bike for a few days so I did but I am anxious to be riding again. I am definitely more cranky when I don't get to ride! It is also occurring to me that I need to get back to the yoga and core routines to keep my aging body happy. Jim is inspirational because he is obviously ecstatic to not own a car and gets where he needs to be pretty effectively. His bike is pretty cool too. A truly free man moves under his own power!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Winter Commeth

Winter is upon us now and, as I feared I would, I am riding less and driving more. I have been growing increasingly busy with the bike summit and my back has been a little cranky the past week but the reality is that as long as I own a car, it is too easy rely on it. Dare I draw a comparison to drug addiction? It's tough to quit drinking if you always have a liquor cabinet full of booze. The weather was pretty nice last week and I did manage a ride on a new Trek Madone for a test ride last Thursday when the temperature was 63 degrees but since then the weather has been getting worse. It snowed a little bit on Saturday and then again on Tuesday night. I finally got myself over the anxiety about riding in the slop and took a little ride into town. Here's the video. The ride was actually pretty nice and once again proved to me that the right clothing makes all the difference!

Denville Snowy day from Brendan on Vimeo.

The Psychology of Climate Change Denial

The Psychology of Climate Change Denial

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This is an interesting article about how people will deny what is obvious.