Saturday, October 3, 2009 - The Copenhagen Bike Culture Blog: Fear of Cycling 04 - New Cycling Spaces - The Copenhagen Bike Culture Blog: Fear of Cycling 04 - New Cycling Spaces

Fourth in the series on the "Fear of Cycling". So, is cycling inherently "unsafe" or have we just been led down this path of fear like so many other things we have been conditioned to fear? Tell me what you think!
Here is a clip shot with my new helmet camera. I am riding on route 46 and I have moved left as to stay out of the exit lane. A car passes very close to me and gives me a nice little honk. No slowing, no moving to the left a little bit. But on the other hand, there was space between us. So while the pass is a little un-nerving, I don't feel like I was in any danger. Cathy feels differently!


  1. Yeah, they did'nt like you out near their lane. They're too cranky. Too bad about em. I would'nt be worried about that either.

  2. Yeah, cranky driver. Too bad about em. I woul'dnt be too worried either.
